Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Что нужно для студенческой визы ? Как Продлить студенческую визу в Австралии ?

Что нужно для студенческой визы ?
Как Продлить студенческую визу в Австралии ?

Travel, tuition and living expenses

You must have enough money to pay for travel, tuition and living expenses for yourself, your partner and your dependent children for the duration of your stay in Australia.
You must:
  • show proof that you can meet these financial requirements for the first 24 months of your stay in Australia.
    Note: If you have completed 75 percent of your course and are applying to renew your student visa, you do not need to show your savings history.
  • declare on your application that you can meet these financial requirements for the remainder of your stay in Australia.
The table below outlines the amounts in Australian dollars (AUD) that you need access to. These amounts are the minimum required for this visa. They do not necessarily represent the cost of living in Australia.
Expenses Per Person Amount required in AUD
Travel Yourself Return air fare to Australia
Family members One return air fare to Australia per person
Tuition Yourself Course fees
Children aged 5-18 AUD8000 per year
Living Yourself AUD18 000 per year
Partner AUD6300 per year
First child AUD3600 per year
Each other child AUD2700 per year
The department must be satisfied that an applicant, once in Australia, will have genuine access to the funds they claim to possess to cover the travel, tuition and living costs for themselves and their family members.

Acceptable sources of income

The money to support you and your family members must come from one or more acceptable sources, which may include:
  • a money deposit with a financial institution held by you, or a person supporting you, for at least three consecutive months immediately before the date of your visa application
  • a loan from a financial institution made to you or a person supporting you
  • a loan from your government
  • your proposed education provider
  • the Australian Government or an Australian State or Territory government
  • the government of a foreign country
  • a provincial or state government of a foreign country that has the written support of the national government of the foreign country
  • an organisation gazetted by the Minister
  • an acceptable non-profit organisation
  • a multilateral agency.

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